I Lost Three "J" Friends This Week

This loss makes for a rather sad week. While I'm glad my friends are no longer suffering and that they're with the Lord, I'll still miss them.

John Campbell - John was a former alcoholic who found Jesus, Who turned John's life around. The John I knew was so loving, caring, faithful. I'll always remember him entering the sanctuary and finding a seat. As soon as the worship songs began, John's hand would raise midway in the air as he worshiped his Savior. He loved to go on mission trips and would tell anyone he met, at home or afar, about what his Lord had done for him. Al knew John years before I came along. Al was very shy, but John always made a point to talk to Al and invite him to go places with him (a certain William and Mary basketball game was apparently one of the highlights as I heard the story many times). I pray for his wife Mary who is left behind. John died of cancer.

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Joan Whitesell - I first met Joan at my brother's wedding in 1968. She and I were in the wedding. She had been my new sister-in-law's roommate when they worked at the CIA. Joan worked there for thirty years, met her husband. When they retired they moved back to Vermont, her home state. Her husband passed away some years ago. Many years passed since I'd seen Joan at the wedding, but one day I ran into her on Facebook. Oh the pictures she posted. She was a bird photographer and the photos she snapped right up until the end were gorgeous. She died of cancer.

J. B. Hodges - I met JB on the first day of first grade when we were six years old. Twelve years later JB was our class valedictorian - we went to school together all those years.  Not only was he smart - he was also kind, athletic, and musically gifted. I didn't see JB for years. Our paths just never crossed. One day a few years ago I walked into his workplace and ran into him. He didn't recognize me but when I said, "I'm Mary Roberts, we went to school together", his face lit up and he opened his arms wide for a big hug. Earlier this week I learned from his sister that JB was in the hospital and very ill - no visitors please. A day later we learned he had pancreatic cancer which had spread to his lungs and liver. And a few days later he was gone. I pray for his wife Charlene, their two sons - and his sister Nancy. JB left behind a lot of friends ... and his classmates who now mourn his loss. And as I said, JB died of cancer.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses, beard and closeup

You never know what will happen. Best to keep short accounts with others and say I love you whenever you get a chance.


  1. You never do know what life will bring.

    And, I'm glad my name doesn't start with J!


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